On Easter weekend, our family headed to Fruita, CO for a trail running festival.
We left the Front Range heat on Friday morning and drove to Frisco, and had a picnic lunch in a snowy playground. Then we drove toward Utah and headed to our campsite in the Colorado National Monument. The canyons and red rocks were beautiful.
Camping in the busy Friday night was a bit difficult. Ava had a hard time sleeping in her travel crib inside our giant tent (thanks, Amber!). It stated to rain unexpectedly sometime in the night, and we weren't sure if the tent would stay dry. (It did.) Ava ended up sleeping in my sleeping bag with me, so I didn't sleep much at all.
Sat morning we woke up to pouring rain at 5:30am and jumped in the car to drive Jason to his race. Everything was clay and muck and wet. We dropped Jason off to run his marathon and then tried to figure out what to do for a few hours. It was my 35th birthday and I was unimpressed with things. But by the time we saw Jason at the finish line with a big smile on his face, it was all good again. It was his 8th marathon and he reached his goal of negative split (running the second half faster than the first half).
Sat afternoon I got to nap, the sun came out, we saw friends, enjoyed the Dinosaur Museum, and had a nice campsite dinner with friends. Rachel enjoyed several Easter egg hunts around the campsite. Jason did much more with Ava that night so I could sleep.
R goes potty next to car at campsite while wearing bunny mask |
Sunday morning it was beautiful and sunny and everything had dried out. I ran my half marathon and really enjoyed the scenery. I was anxious going into it because my longest training run was only 9.3 miles, and I hadn't spent much time doing anything technical. The first 6-7 miles felt good. I was pretty happy at 10 miles on top of a big climb, even though my legs were hurting. The descent was really fun, even if my legs complained the whole time. Then at 12 miles, when we returned to flat double track, I shuffled along to the finish, slowly but satisfied and just trying not get get injured.
Rachel, Ava and Jason were cheering at the finish, with Easter eggs all around. We watched friends finish and then packed up and drove home.
Jason has a couple short races planned (5-10km) and I have 2 triathlons coming up. I do an Olympic distance tri June 7 and then my half ironman on June 29. I have a lot of work to do in all 3 disciplines to make this happen. The next 2 months must be better about training/resting/eating well/working less.
I'm actually pretty tired of being on a training plan, and motivation is waning. When I have a hard time finding the motivation, these are some things I think about:
- Other people I know that have completed a half ironman, and they seemed so badass (Anna and Aoibhinn, Jen M, Jason, Shelie B, Sarah M, Kelly O, etc.) and I want to feel that length of a race and that challenge and succeed.
- I want to feel strong and fit again. In the last 5 years I've been pregnant or nursing for most of it and it's been a tough toll on my body. I do want to be confident in a bikini again but I also want to be able to go do things and feel strong and powerful. I'm pretty much back to the weight I was before I was pregnant at all, and completing a half will be a real achievement to celebrate being done with the whole pregnancy process.
But when it's all said and done, I want to just camp and hike and walk and play outside again, instead of having specific workout needs all the time. In order to train for something all the time (even if we do it half way because that's all we can manage), it means Jason and I are often trading our time. One stays with the kids while the other goes and runs. This means we do way less as a family and, therefore, as a couple. I miss doing things outside as a family and I miss playing outside WITH Jason. Right now splitting up is the only way we know how to do it, but I'm really looking forward to July!