This concludes my last 'normal' week of being a stay-at-home-mom. This week was the last of sign language class and African music class. Rachel also graduated from the 'cruisers and crawlers' library group. Next week starts a series of trips that will take us until the end of January, at which time Rachel will start full time daycare and I should start working (hopefully).
I have to say I'm thrilled that it's 'over', since I've been going completely stir-crazy and feel a little depressed to be doing so little in my life. The work situation is making me anxious, because I really want to find that perfect job and get it all sorted out right now, but I must be patient. My social circle here in Boulder is also very small, and really, relies on the availability of two other mom friends to hang out. I think being a full time caregiver for your kids is way more fun if you have a super social network and can stay busy. But busy I am not. The last challenge has been the cold. It's beautiful and sunny... but chilly.
Rachel shows her frustration in not being able to move this giant stuffed bear below in this video.
We headed to the zoo after lunch and nap. The zoo in the winter is not nearly as fun... but it was almost empty. Since we're members, it was free, and we could sit and watch the gorillas and baby orangutan all by ourselves. Rachel shows the sign for 'gorilla' by thumping her chest in this video.
Saturday we decided not to go skiing since there hasn't been any new snow lately on the hills. We decided instead to 1) hit the REI garage sale and buy Meggan Vibram 5 fingers for $45... 2) go use them to run on snow pack as a family at the Twin Lakes trails in Gunbarrel ... 3) bike to the store and get groceries and ... 4) have a block building competition as a family. (Jason won.) I was pretty proud of myself for how well I ran on the snow pack today - pushing Rachel, in vibrams and then in regular shoes. But I did NOT feel very comfortable riding my road bike over the ice and snow whether I was pulling Rachel or not. I've never biked on snow before and I don't think I'm going to make a habit of it.
Rachel's schedule. I know if I write anything down here, it will change... but since we're off to Palm Springs Monday to see Nana, it will change anyway. So here are some notes re: Rachel's schedule for the last 1-2 weeks:
- some night waking throughout the night but this was likely a teething issue
- waking at 4:45am to nurse and then going back down until 6:45am. This is the latest Rachel has ever woken up, and we're enjoying it very much!
- eating a decent meal every 2.5-3 hours throughout the day
- nursing 4 times throughout the day, and signing for milk at least 10 times a day
- lunch at 11am or so followed by a 20-45 min nap has been her only nap of the day. She is refusing to nap longer. This transition to 1 nap a day by sleeping longer at night and not having a morning nap would be much better if her 1 nap a day was a bit longer. Many babies sleep 2 hrs or more a day... I'd be thrilled with an hour at this point!
- not struggling to stay awake at 6:30pm anymore... is making it until 7:30pm before going to sleep easily.
We have our follow up appointment at the hospital on Dec 20th, and it's still really important that Rachel continues to eat and drink well to gain weight. But she is drinking more and more cow's milk and we think that will make a huge difference.
It will be interesting to see how Rachel copes with three upcoming trips: Palm Springs, Virginia, and then Victoria in January. Although I'd like to wean nursing to twice a day and continue to work on no night wakings and longer sleep ins... these projects will likely have to wait until all our travels are over and we resume some kind of a routine again sometime in 2012.
Hope you are all getting excited about Christmas!
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