It's hard to believe that, when Rachel was 8-13 months old, I was concerned about her language development. At 15 months she started talking and hasn't stopped since.
Many people comment on Rachel's creative and imaginative story telling. Sometimes when people call her 'verbal', I wonder if it's their nice way of asking if she ever shuts up?!
But the things that come out of her mouth are the most charming things about her. Lately she's had some really good ones.
Singing the jungle book song:
"The bare necessities, the basic bare necessities, forget about your worries and your stripes. I mean the bare necessities, old mother nature's..."
She loves to play a game where I tell one story and she tells another story and we take turns, sentence by sentence. We've played this game a LOT! Forgive me for looking so bored and tired in this video, but watching it you can get the idea that Rachel CANNOT sit still.
When playing picnic with her kids, she is experimenting with language:
"Please pass the grapes... Nunu hollered"
"Certainly. Here you go... Mumbled parrot quietly"
"Yummy cookies... Cried pig"
Recently we got another chapter book from the library in the Mercy Watson series. Mercy is a pig who has many adventures. This one is called 'Mercy Watson fights crime'. So we got it from the library and Rachel sat in the car, flipping through the pages, making up her own story to match the pictures.
"And Mercy Watson was asleep I her bed when Crime walked in the front door. Crime woke Mery and scared her. So Mercy fought Crime and battled him and Crime ran away..."
So we then discussed that crime was not a person!
She seems to think that the bumblebee in the movie Thumbelina has the following name:
first name: Bumble
second name: Buzz
third name: Coming Soon To Theatres
We love our little chatterbox.
She loves to 'be crazy' these days, which often involves making a mess. Here's a little mess and her little sister watching her with delight:
Playing in the snow...
We are taking a parenting class right now called 'Positive Parenting'. We've gone to a couple so far, and they really have helped us change our perspective on a few things. We are trying hard to be patient and understand Rachel better so we don't get so frustrated with her. We're trying not to control her and 'punish' her, but instead reward her for positive behaviour and have a teaching message behind each thing that we are really working on. It's helped us to love her charming and hilarious things more, and to fight with her or get in power struggles less.
Sometimes we can hold her down long enough to snuggle or read a book... even if we have to catch her first
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