November 28, 2011


This post is a huge thank you to all you all (see... I'm becoming American) who have given Rachel things.  My brothers' families have kindly given us awesome hand-me-downs, and Rachel also has very generous grandparents, an awesome aunt Karen, and other relatives who keep her well clothed and entertained!

Here is a box we received in the mail from our super friends Robin, Dana, Taylor, and Rylie.  We luck out on this deal all the time as Rylie is 3 months older than Rachel and they are kind enough to send us stuff when they are done.  This box was a great score for us and Rachel had fun unpacking it.

Rachel signs 'thank you' here, which is very similar to blowing a kiss but minus the big kiss sound.

Rachel has been trying to sign like crazy.  It's very funny because she only knows about 5 signs and when she doesn't know how to say something, she'll wave her arms and do weird things like she's trying to make up a sign.  This is usually accompanied by the 'Ba! Ba! Ba!' or 'uh uh uh!' or 'Da! Da!' sounds she makes when pointing and trying to tell us she wants something.  This whole process only motivates us to learn and teach her more signs and spoken words so she can communicate with us more easily.

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