May 4, 2014

Ava: 10 months!

Ava had a 9 month check up with the doctor and was deemed to be doing well.  She is 67th percentile for weight at 19lbs, 4 oz and is in the 94th percentile for length at over 29" tall.

We had a discussion about her fluid and food intake at the appointment, and decided to start adding some formula to her diet.  It seemed like a huge decision for me, since I'm such a big believer that 'breast is best'.  But she was probably only getting 17oz a day from the breast, no matter what I tried to do to increase milk production or feed her more often, and it's recommended she get 24-32oz per day.  Also, I don't always have enough time at work to pump.  Lastly, when Rachel was this age she started running into trouble with losing weight and it was a huge concern.  I worked so hard to try and make it work without formula for Rachel because I thought that was what was best, but that turned out to be a mistake.

So now Ava has some bottles at daycare 'topped up' with formula.  If I can get her 3 oz, then she'll get another 3 oz of formula mixed in.  And wow!  Using formula is so easy.  There's nothing too it at all.  There's so much less pressure on mom to make sure she has enough and if I miss pumping now, it's not a big deal.  If something were to happen where I'd be separated from Ava, she could have formula and be just fine.  I can see why this whole thing is such a hit in our society today.  Don't get me wrong... I'm all for breast feeding and still plan to do it for a while.  But I don't feel guilty for using some formula to make life a little easier and help Ava grow big and strong.

In the last two months, Ava has mastered efficient crawling.  She can crawl upstairs.  She can pull to stand, stand on her own for a moment, squat down with support to pick something up, and cruise a little.  She wants to stand all the time!  She has had a few more falls and bumps.  She isn't interested in being stuck in a car seat, exersaucer, play pen, or crib.  She can get into everything.

She loves to swim at the pool and is fine going under water.  She loves music.  Her favorite thing to do is to be near her sister and watch everything Rachel does and play with whatever Rachel is playing with.

She can clap, sign 'more', sign 'milk' and eat anything that she won't choke on.  She has no 'rules' on food except no cow's milk straight up.  She's a great eater and will eat most anything that's put in front of her.  She's getting better at drinking water from an open cup.

R sits with helmet on eating lunch.  Ava is under her chair playing.

She has learned that if she fusses, she will probably get picked up.

We are still waiting for her first tooth to appear!

She will be 10 months tomorrow.  It's amazing how fast the time is flying by.

Here are three videos if you can watch them:
1) Ava (8 months) bear crawls

2) Ava (8 months) moves chair around

3) Ava (9 months) bounces with excitement

4) ) Ava (9.5 months) crawls on stairs

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