March 3, 2023

San Marino

Do you know where the country of San Marino is? It's the 5th smallest country in the world and it's inside Itlay, not too far from the cities of Bologna and Florence, near the NorthEast coast.

It's a little bit tricky to get to. We took a train from Venice to Bologna, and then a train from Bologna to Rimini, and then a bus from Rimini to the historic old city capital - also called San Marino. The historic center is at the top of a steep hill. While we were staying up there, it was snowy and foggy.

We had fun playing in the snow, walking from one tower to the next, and we went out for a couple of nice meals. It was definitely the 'off season' and there weren't many tourists. Many of the restaurants, shops and museums were closed. So was the cable car that carries people up and down the mountain to connect with the lower parts of the city. But making snowmen and throwing snowballs is always fun! Especially inside or around castle walls and towers!

We stayed for 3 nights so we could make the most out of the tricky travel, and then we had a bus and three train rides to get to our next destination.... stay tuned for that!

Throwing snowballs into the little holes in the tower walls

Two large snowpeople

Looking to the second tower

Turning to look back at the first tower in the  clouds

The second tower

The third tower

Little snowpeople

A very friendly restuarant owner

A local region specialty that's like a pita bread sandwich

A bit foggy

Hot chocolate stop

On the bus, leaving this country

Thanks San Marino - you were really fun!

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